Computer Science 1

Hello! This is my GITA 1 computer science 1 webpage.
I am learning C# this year and I like dill pickles. This page demos all of my
C# projects. You can download them and see them run!
Aaron was here

Coffee Shop


In this program we learn how to calculate customer cost for purchasing coffee items. We also learned how to work with radio buttons.

About Me Page


this project shows your student logo as well as trademark. It also shows how to cycle images.

Mailing label


This project shows a mailing label based on the given inputs



This project simulates a madlib game________________________________

Car Rental 1


This project simulates what a car rental dealership would be with only miles driven and days used.



This project calculates a persons BMI given the height and weight

Car Rental 2 (upgrade)


This project is the same as car rental 1 but you can select cars and if you want commodities

Test Score Program


This project says which test score is greater and what the average is.

Dice Game


This project simulates rolling dice. it also shows the percentage of each roll.

Craps Dice Game


This project simulates the game of Craps____________________

Triangle Checker


This project gives a triangle based on the side lengths given

Slot machine


This project lets you feel what it's like to gamble and lose money and get into debt and be sad about your debt and try to cope with your debt with more gambling which gets you into more debt which makes you more sad and the next thing you know you're on the streets of Las Vegas and are addicted to very bad substances

Baco Buck Buesday


This project lets you order from an imaginary taco truck with imaginary money for imaginary food for imaginary pleasure and hunger satisfaction



This project lets you go up and down stairs that lead to two inevitable outcomes.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


This project lets you play rock paper scissors but with extra steps! It allows you to play with a friend

Tic Tac Toe


This lets you play tic tac toe with a friend!

Sub 2d


This project introduces the idea of random movements in a 2d plane. It has a shark and a sub which both move in random directions

Basic AI


This project introduces the idea of pursuit tracking as well as object collision to make a game.

Star Field


This project is like going really fast in space and you can see the stars go past you.

AI Upgrade


This project has multiple enemies that track you instead of one. This is the same as Basic AI but with more than 1 enemy

Number Array


This project gets a random set of numbers and sorts them to find the highest, lowest, and average number

Final Project


This project includes most of the lessons that we have learned in GITA 1. This project is similar to Basic AI, with enemies following you.